“Sculpt Thyself”, 2019.
“Every man is a builder of a temple, called his body, to the God he worships, after a style purely his own, nor can he get off by hammering marble instead. We are all sculptors and painters, and our material is our own flesh and blood and bones. Any nobleness begins at once to refine a man’s features, any meanness or sensuality to imbrute them.” -Henry David Thoreau
I’m a Canadian born artist who moved to Southern California as a child with my family. I’m a printmaker and digital artist who received a BA in Photography and Fine Arts from California State University Long Beach in 1976, under a Special Majors Program. At that time photography was taught under Industrial Arts with the intent of producing teachers. I wanted to study photography as an art in itself. Under a special majors provision and working with the deans of Industrial Arts and Fine Arts, we developed a well rounded program that gave me the technical skills I would need but also would allow me to explore color theory, shape, form, drawing and printmaking. I studied under Robert D Routh, well known for his experimental techniques and alternative photographic processes, but I also had the opportunity to study intaglio and lithographic printing.
After graduating I worked in visual design for corporate theater, eventually establishing my own company specializing in graphics and design for multi image presentations, television, print and eventually computer generated videographics. My work has been seen across the country for major corporations such as Ford Motor and Harley Davidson, on several CBS and NBC television shows, for entertainment at Six Flags Magic Mountain and in Las Vegas.
At the age of 40, I retired from the corporate arena to raise a family and returned to college to get certified in the field of education. In 2012, after raising my children, I returned to my roots of art and began studying printmaking at a community center that offered printmaking courses, and I fell in love with the process all over again. I have been a volunteer at a Southern California printmaking studio since 2013.
Much of my work is inspired by my faith in God, my inner struggle to find God’s truth, and the complexity of human nature to the simplicity of nature around us.
Ultimately, I am trying to make sense of the wonderment and beauty of all creation around us which may often be juxtaposed to all that seems to be perplexing about the world we live in. Working from my own studio on a Little John Press and surrounded by nature, I find refuge from a world I see to often in turmoil.
Influenced by dadaism ,my art is sometimes contemplative. Sometimes whimsical. Sometimes political. But there is always a message that I hope provokes a thought or feeling that has meaning for the viewer.
Member of:
Fallbrook Artist Guild- fallbrookartcenter.org
Lynk Collective- www.lynkcollective.com